Thursday, 10 December 2015

.:Be loyal and obedient to Allah:.

Be loyal and obedient to Allah

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas RA:

Once i was behind the Prophet SAW and he said: "O boy, i will teach you a few words:

1. Be loyal and obedient to Allah (worship Him Alone), remember Him always, obey His Orders. He will save you from every evil and will take care of you in all the spheres of life.

2. Be loyal and obedient to Allah, you will find Him near (in front of you), i.e. He will respond to your requests.

3. If you ask, ask Allah.

4. If you seek help, seek help from Allah.

5. Know that if all the people get together in order to benefit you with something, they will not be able to benefit you in anything except what Allah has decreed for you. And if they all get together in order to harm you with something, they will not be able to harm you in anything except what Allah has decreed for you.

The pens have stopped writings [Divine (Allah's) Preordainments]. And (the ink over) the papers (Book of Decrees) have dried."

Hadith from Sahih Al-Tirmidhi

Sunday, 6 December 2015

.: Kemangkatan Anak Sultan johor :.

Date : 5 December 2015

Profile Tunku Laksamana
Nama: YAM Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar ibni Sultan Ibrahim Ismail
Gelaran: Tunku Laksamana Johor
Tarikh Diputerakan: 5 Julai 1990
Fakta Tunku Laksamana
-Pernah bekerja sebagai penjaga zoo di Singapura selama setahun dan di London hampir dua tahun.
-Berkelulusan dalam bidang Zoologi dan Pemuliharaan dari sebuah universiti di United Kingdom
-Mencatat sejarah sebagai kerabat diraja Johor pertama yang berkhidmat dalam pasukan polis selepas menamatkan
kursus latihan kepolisan selama sembilan bulan sekali gus bergelar Inspektor.
-Beliau tidak bermain polo disebabkan alahan pada bulu kuda.
- Menubuhkan Yayasan Kanser Tunku Laksamana bertujuan untuk membantu pesakit kanser di negara ini
- Kerap kali mengunjungi pesakit di Hospital Sultan Ismail dan Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru, beramah mesra dan bertanya khabar
-disahkan menghidap kanser hati tahap empat dan menjalani rawatan pemindahan hati di China.
Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar ibni Sultan Ibrahim Ismail (dilahirkan pada 5 Julai 1990 (25 tahun)) merupakan Tunku Laksamana Johor dan juga anakanda ke-4 kepada Sultan Johor terkini.
Baginda merupakan adinda kepada Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Idris ibni Sultan Ibrahim Ismail.


Sunday, 24 May 2015

.: Teacher Day :.

Date : 16 May 2015

Thank You Teacher

I may not say it always.
But, I mean it whenever I say it.
Thank You Teacher
For all the things you have done for me.
Happy Teachers Day!

Gift Farhan for him teacher, Happy teacher day

.: Labour Day :.

Date : 01 May 2015

Thursday, 26 February 2015

.: Chinese new year:.

Date : 19/2/2015 & 20/2/2015
Wish all Happy Chinese new year for all my friend

.: Permergian yang tiada ganti:.

Date 26/02/2015

Permergian anak sedarlah ku sudah 11tahun tapi kenangan manis, n pahitnya masih bersamaku. Semoga kamu damai disana, kita jumpa di jannat kelak... kamal (yahood bin ismail ) Al-Fatihah